Tommy Lee Wallace from
... Tommy Lee Wallace), Tremors (1990, Ron Underwood), Deceived (1991, Damian Harris), Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991, James Cameron), Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992, Frances Ford Coppola), The Attack of the 50- Ft. Woman (1993, Christopher ...
Tommy Lee Wallace from
... Tommy Lee Wallace and Lawrence D. Cohen . Dir . Tommy Lee Wallace . Warner Home Video , 1990. DVD . “ Lisa's First Word . ” The Simpsons : The Complete Fourth Season . Writ . Jeff Martin . Dir . Mark Kirkland . Twentieth Century Fox ...
Tommy Lee Wallace from
... Tommy Lee Wallace . Warner Bros. Television , 1990 . Legend . Directed by Ridley Scott . Universal Pictures and 20th Century Fox , 1985 . Rocky Horror Picture Show . Directed by Jim Sherman , 20th Century Fox , 1975 . Hello Mary Lou ...
Tommy Lee Wallace from
... Tommy Lee Wallace ; airdate : October 4 , 1985 . 2C . " Chameleon " Written by James Crocker ; Directed by Wes Craven ; airdate : October 4 , 1985 . 3A . " Healer " Written by Alan Brennert ; Directed by Sigmund Neufeld ; airdate : Octo ...
Tommy Lee Wallace from
... Tommy Lee Wallace ( Part 2 ) and directed by Tommy Lee Wallace , es- chews the vast historical and sociological sweep of King's novel , choosing instead to focus individually on the seven grown - up members of the Losers ' Club - who ...
Tommy Lee Wallace from
... Tommy Lee Wallace . “ We didn't know how hard it was , how crazy it was , or what a far - fetched dream it was to pull this thing off , so we just went out and did it . " " We were young , hungry , and not yet jaded or cynical about the ...
Tommy Lee Wallace from
... Tommy Lee Wallace ; PRO : John Carpenter and Debra Hill ; SCR : John Car- penter and Debra Hill ; DOP : Dean Cundey ; EXP : Joseph Wolf and Irwin Yablans ; MFX : Thomas R. Burman ; SFX : Jon G. Belyeu ; MUS : John Carpenter and Alan ...
Tommy Lee Wallace from
Matteo Tortora. Halloween III: Season of the Witch Directed by Tommy Lee Wallace Produced by John Carpenter, Debra Hill Written by Tommy Lee Wallace Starring Tom Atkins, Stacey Nelkin, Dan O'Herlihy Music by John Carpenter Cinematography ...
Tommy Lee Wallace from
... Tommy Lee Wallace . Costume Design : Bill Whitten , Steven Loomis , Workroom 27 . Production Manager : Dan Berhrns . First As- sistant Director : Larry J. Franco . Editor : Tommy Lee Wallace , Charles Bornstein . Music : John ...
Tommy Lee Wallace from
... Tommy Lee Wallace . Director : Tommy Lee Wallace . Cast : Jacqueline Bisset ( Sheila Gaines ) , Theresa Russell ( Margo Antony ) , Nick Mancuso ( Aaron ) , Robert Desiderio , Celeste Holm , Richard Doyle , Andi Chapman , Gretchen ...