Fright Night Part 2 is a 1988 American supernatural horror film directed by Tommy Lee Wallace, the sequel to the 1985 film Fright Night.
Rating (14,821)
Three years after dealing with vampires, Charley Brewster separates from vampire hunter Peter Vincent. When mysterious actress Regine Dandrige arrives in town, ...
$79.99 Rating (998) · Free delivery
An absolutely amazing vampire flick with an incredible cast, an amazing villain, the return of Charlie and Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowell, who doesn't love him?), and a very worthy backstory Jerry Dandridge deserves.

Fright Night Part 2

R · 1988 ‧ Horror/Comedy ‧ 1h 48m
5.9/10 · IMDb 36% · Rotten Tomatoes
Three years after the vampire was destroyed in `Fright Night', his sister - in the guise of a mysterious performer - seeks revenge on the heroic duo who carried out the staking.
Release date: May 19, 1989 (USA)
Budget: 8 million USD
Adapted from: Fright Night

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A fantastic, underrated sequel that repeats the original's main beats while flipping the script in all the right ways! A perfect companion to Tom Holland's ...
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