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... Callboard ( Continued from page 12 ) Molnar. IT'S SOME STORY when Ina Claire tells The AWFUL TRUTH to BRUCE MCRAE at Henry Miller's Theatre 124 West 43rd St. Evenings 8.30 Matinees Thursday and Saturday 2.30 Brock Pemberton's Productions ... from
... CALL BOARD SALES , 1883 . 416.450 1,529,050 2.750 22,700 1,500 1,600 1,150,000 Total ( tons ) ... 1,974,450 CALL BOARD SALES , 1884 . 490,000 1,315,450 7,700 28,294 153,000 Total ( tons ) . 1,841,444 CALL BOARD SALES , 1885 . Wheat ... from
... Call Board , Plymouth . The lowest price paid on the Farmers Call Board during 1924 was 1512e for Twins on April 18 and the highest price was 234c for Squares on Dec. 19 , while the estimated average price was 19c . Sales on Farmers ... from
... Call Board of Ply- mouth that it conducts a market where the seller has the between dealers , being untrue , and the prices being actually noncompetitive and the base prices for the bulk cheese of the state , is an unfair trade practice ... from
... call board . Having ascertained the number of the subscriber with whom he wishes to converse , she presses the " order key " of a trunk line leading to the call board section containing the called subscriber's jack , and by this act ... from
... Call Board operators indicate that the operators did not receive word of the declaration of an Unusual Event until approximately 8:15 , although that declaration was in fact made at 5:40 ; similarly , the Call Board operators did not ... from
... Call Board employee must be on the Call Board a full seven day period in order to qualify for the five day guarantee . Carrier makes a strong agrument in its rebuttal that Claimant was available on Call Board No. 2 only four days in ... from
... Call Board . The shortsightedness of the producers in not standing by the Call Board and re- fusing to sell by contract , is astounding . Cheese is a product which , if well made , can be held in storage by the producers as well as by ... from
... call board must be made in the Elgin district and shall be entered on the call board in the name of the state and county where it is made . " Section 4. - All sales and trans- actions on the call board shall be recorded and put in ... from
... call board . Mr. BUTCHERT : You think the call board system then is in favor of the sellers and patrons of the cheese factories ? The PRESIDENT : As the result of the observation of years I am perfectly satisfied that the call board ...