Turner Classic Movies presents a collection of monster greats, modern and classic horror, and family-friendly cinematic treats that capture the spirit of Halloween, complete with reviews, behind-the-scenes stories, and iconic images.
Claudia Morgan. CHAPTER. 3: HALLOWEEN. (1978). John Carpenter's Halloween is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential horror films of all time. Released in 1978, the low-budget slasher movie single-handedly launched ...
This book includes 216 reviews of horror movies. half are plausible, the other half supernatural. •Roll a six-sided die three times. •Find the sequence within the table of contents. •You will be redirected to a random movie and its ...
Steve Hutchison. HALLOWEEN III : SEASON OF THE WITCH A shady mask factory plots to decimate the children's 敏敏 population worldwide on Halloween night using a rigged live broadcast . 00000 1982 HORROR SCIENCE FICTION THRILLER CRAMA ...
Mathias Clasen. movies while he measured energy expenditure . The finding : horror movies burn calories quite effectively - and the most effective of the 10 films tested was Kubrick's The Shining , which torched 184 calo- ries . Next on ...
... Halloween (2007) The original title was Halloween: Retribution. This film and its sequel weren't released on Halloween because the studio didn't want to compete with the Saw movies. Halloween (2018) 429. The director says this film ...
The following recommendations represent the top 14% of 2698 horror movies reviewed by Steve Hutchison. The movies are ranked according to their star, story, creativity, acting, quality, creepiness, gimmick, and rewatchability ratings.