Hey YOU!, Yes, You. You are at the right place. LET’S BEGIN!

word nerd. learn the meaning of trending words
The BEST of both WORDS

“I stan Chris Evans. He is such the Jedi of MCU” “Hard pass, RDJ is the GOAT

“Dude, did you see what Ranveer Singh wore for the GQPower List awards? Weird flex, but okay

“You can’t just CANCEL him and yet see his posts!!! That’s performative

“The only difference between Greenwashing and Queerbaiting is how blatantly obvious you can be”

“Gucci be so BUSSIN

“…But the human tongue is a beast that few can master. It strains constantly to break out of its cage, and if it is not tamed, it will run wild and cause you grief.” – Robert Greene

Let’s be honest, keeping up with the modern jargon of social media reels and comments is indeed giving us grief. And if you are just like me, someone who finds comfort in using archaic words to express emotion then well, you, my friend, are cancelled.

Words have the power to redefine a whole generation. It’s the modern see-saw of lingo and knowing how to use them at the right place that will impact how people see YOU.

Hi, I am Isha. And I have a very straightforward motivation behind starting this blog…


Simply put, with each blog, I will try to delve deep into contemporary terms that are trending, widespread, and an integral part of all languages (vocal or virtual). I will try to keep them as easy as possible focusing on what they mean, where we can make use of them, and how to use them in a sentence.

So, join me as I try to tame the beast and figure out why someone rejected me on Tinder calling himself a sapiosexual.

What even is that? Lets DIWM (DO IT WITH ME. Why I did this? Because I can)

Here’s what you are getting yourself into:-

Let’s roll.